Big Art Talks
Big Art Talks
Keith Wilson, Roger Hiorns, Susan Philipsz, Heather & Ivan Morison, Brian Griffiths
12 October 2016 – 11 January 2017, 6 – 7.30pm
Birmingham City University, The Parkside Building
Lecture Theatre, 5 Cardigan Street, Birmingham, B4 7BD
Free, booking essential
Birmingham Big Art Foundation in partnership with Birmingham City University invite you to a series of keynote lectures by the five shortlisted artists in the lead up to the selection of the winning commission.
Each of the artists will present their vision for the Birmingham Big Art Project in relation to the important ideas and processes involved in their practice and making work in the public realm.
We are calling on you, the publics of Birmingham, to join in the conversation. What will make a difference to our city, what reflects Birmingham as an exciting and challenging environment for people to live and work in, which do you feel a connection to, and why?
We invite you to join the discussion on the following dates:
12 October 2016 Keith Wilson BOOK HERE
2 November 2016 Susan Philipsz BOOK HERE
30 November 2016 Heather and Ivan Morison BOOK HERE
14 December 2016 Roger Hiorns BOOK HERE
11 January 2017 Brian Griffiths BOOK HERE